Cornell Tech Technical PhD Student Campus Policy
If you are an Ithaca based PhD student, interested in transferring to Cornell Tech, or a Cornell Tech PhD student, interested in maintaining your campus status, please review the below guidelines and procedures.
What is required in order to gain or maintain your status as a Cornell Tech based PhD student?
You plan to stay at Cornell Tech for a semester or longer
- In order to gain status as a Cornell Tech student, a PhD student must intend to work in New York City at the Cornell Tech campus for the period of a semester or more.
- If a PhD student is planning to transfer from Ithaca to Cornell Tech, they must notify Cornell Tech Student & Academic Affairs about their intent to move to the Cornell Tech campus at least four weeks before the start of their residency.
You must have a Cornell Tech based advisor or host
- Permanent Cornell Tech Based Student: If a PhD student has a Cornell Tech based primary advisor or co-advisor, and the student and advisor agree that the student will spend the duration of their academic program at Cornell Tech, the student will have the status of a Cornell Tech based student.
- Exploring/Collaborating Cornell Tech Based Student: If a PhD student has an advisor/co-advisor, mentor, or collaborator at Cornell Tech and intends to spend at least a semester at Cornell Tech to collaborate with them, the student can submit a petition (via email) with the support of their primary advisor and local advisor or host, describing the collaboration and the plan for financial support. The petition, approved by the student, their advisor, and their prospective host, should be submitted via email to Cornell Tech Student & Academic Affairs at least 4 weeks before the start of the residence semester. The petition will be reviewed and approved by the DGS and Cornell Tech Assistant Dean of Graduate Education (ADGE). This case also includes Ithaca-based faculty on sabbatical at Cornell Tech who can also serve as hosts.
- Transitioning Cornell Tech Based Student: Cornell Tech based PhD students who have switched from a Cornell Tech based advisor to an Ithaca based advisor, or are looking for a new advisor may ask to remain in New York City until the end of the academic year as long as the following requirements are fulfilled. Such students are required to submit a petition (via email) with the support of their primary advisor and local advisor, describing the situation and the plan for financial support, as well as a plan for presence on campus (e.g. seating location). The petition, approved by the student, their advisor, and their prospective host, should be submitted via email to Cornell Tech Student & Academic Affairs at least 4 weeks before the start of the residence semester. The petition will be reviewed and approved by the DGS and Cornell Tech Associate for Faculty.
Your Cornell Tech advisor must have the resources to support you
- A Cornell Tech advisor/host must be able to allocate a permanent desk in their group’s space for the PhD student
- A Cornell Tech advisor/host must arrange for the student to receive the NYC stipend amount or supplement
- A Cornell Tech advisor/host will be responsible for financial support when TA appointments are not available.
Your field must be supported, otherwise a petition is needed
- PhD students must be in a field currently supported by Cornell Tech: IS, CS, ECE, or ORIE.
- PhD students must complete any existing Ithaca residency requirements required by your field
- PhD students that are in a field that is currently not supported by Cornell Tech, or students that have not completed the Ithaca field residency requirements must complete a petition, even if the student is moving on a permanent basis. These students must submit a petition (via email) with a plan for satisfying their PhD requirements to their DGS and the Cornell Tech Assistant Dean of Graduate Education (ADGE). The petition, approved by the student, their advisor, and their prospective host, should be submitted via email at least 4 weeks before the start of the residence semester. The petition will be reviewed and approved by the DGS and Cornell Tech Assistant Dean of Graduate Education (ADGE). The petition should be signed by the student, their advisor, and with the support of their prospective local host.
What does it mean to be coded as a Cornell Tech PhD student?
Support & Funding
- You will receive full tuition, student health insurance, and the New York City stipend rate
Campus Access & Housing
- You will receive a Cornell Tech ID card with access to the campus buildings
- You will be assigned a desk
- You will have access to campus housing allocation process for students who (1) intend to stay for at least one academic year and (2) declare their intentions in advance of the deadline for campus housing allocation. Availability may be limited, especially for those who move to Cornell Tech for the spring semester
Community, Events, & Communications
- You will attend PhD Orientation your first semester at Cornell Tech
- You will become a member of the PhD student organization (PACT)
- You will receive Cornell Tech based email communications, and will be invited to Cornell Tech based student events (see PhD Student Corner)
- You will receive other benefits associated with being a PhD student at Cornell Tech
Academic Opportunities
- You will have the ability to enroll in PhD and masters courses at Cornell Tech (space-permitting for students whose visit status is collaborating/exploring)
- You will have access to participate in (select) PhD courses that are offered remotely from Ithaca to CT
- You will have access to library services for PhD students including ILL and access to use other libraries such as Columbia and Weill both types
- You will have access to International student advising resources, including support transferring 1-20’s (only applicable for students at Cornell Tech for two semesters or more and those who plan to complete their studies at Cornell Tech)
- You will have Registrar and Wellness support through Cornell Tech Student Affairs
- Field administrative advising will still be provided by your field’s Ithaca-based office
TA Responsibilities
- As a Cornell Tech based PhD student, if you are not supported by a GRA or Fellowship, Cornell Tech will match you to TA for a Cornell Tech-based course, or work to otherwise arrange a TA assignment for you.
Are there exceptions to the above policies?
Exceptional Cases
- Exceptional cases will be considered in coordination among the DGS, the Assistant Dean of Graduate Education (ADGE) and Cornell Tech Student & Academic Affairs.
Short Term Presence Opportunities
Students who want to be on campus to work with a Cornell Tech faculty member on a shorter-term basis may be registered as visitors sponsored by a Cornell Tech faculty member. The faculty member would be responsible for the student and needs to be generally present for their stay. A desk or access fee may be required for longer visits. The student would not have the benefits listed above of a Cornell Tech coded PhD student, and may not be able to enroll in classes at Cornell Tech which require physical attendance. The student will still be considered Ithaca based, and will be supported by Ithaca programs and services. Relatedly, the student will be required to pay the the Cornell University Ithaca health fee, $210 as of Sep 2021. Students are not allowed to spend more than 2 months on campus under this arrangement.