Student Employment
Hourly Student Worker Hiring Information
Please review this page in its entirety as it has pertinent logistics related to hourly hire roles at Cornell Tech.
Roles and Responsibilities
While limited, Cornell Tech does offer a variety of hourly roles that students may apply for.
Roles overseen by the Student & Academic Affairs team will only occur during the academic semester and will be advertised through email or through the Student & Academic Affairs Weekly Newsletters. Below are the roles specifically available through the Student & Academic Affairs team:
- Graders – will be responsible for grading course homework, in-class work, and other assignments as determined by the instructor of the class. You must have previously taken the course and received strong marks in the class (ranging from A- to A+). These roles are reserved for Second Year Jacobs students.
- Course Support – responsibilities include general administrative tasks, including, but not limited to, general Canvas support, attendance & participation tracking. Students will likely be asked to attend class meetings in order to track attendance and participation. These roles are open to Master’s students in any year.
Please note, you must be located in the United States during the semester to be eligible for a course support or grader role. The duties and responsibilities of your position are arranged between you and the instructor/supervisor.
At times, other Cornell Tech hourly roles may be posted on Workday (search “Find Jobs – Student board”). As Cornell Tech students, you will need to select your primary location to “Cornell Tech” to view on-campus roles. Roles may also be emailed out to the student body by the hiring manager/team. If you have questions on these roles, please email, or the hiring manager noted in the email or on the job description.
Hours & Appointment Period
As a Cornell Tech Masters student, you cannot work more than 10 hrs/week. If you are a PhD student, please review the Graduate School’s Stipend page to view how many additional hours you are allotted to work based on your appointment type. You must be located in the US for the full duration of the semester in order to work.
The appointment period will be shared in your offer letter, but typically the appointment follows the duration of the class or academic semester. For example, if you are hired to provide support to a Seven Week One (7W1) class, your appointment starts when the semester begins and ends within a few days of the class’s conclusion, but if you are hired for a full semester role, your appointment starts on the first day of classes and goes until the end of the final exam period. However, please speak with the instructor to confirm your official start and end dates.
Once You Are Hired
Workday is the platform where you can access your timecard, payslips, tax withholdings, direct deposit. Workday access is not immediate, and depending on the time of will need a few days to process your appointment. Once you are role has been appointed in Workday, below are the logistics you will need to complete
Workday has many resources/tutorials in their FAQ guide – we recommend reviewing this prior to when you start working.
Completing your I-9 Form
The purpose of the I-9 form is to document verification of the identity and employment authorization of each new employee (both citizen and noncitizen) hired to work in the United States. If you are a newly employed student worker, please log in to Workday and navigate to your Inbox (upper right corner) where you will find the “Complete Form I-9” task.
Please note, if you have been hired to work at Cornell University within the past three years and previously filled out an I-9, you will not need to complete a new I-9 each year. If you do have an open I-9 task in your Workday inbox, please email and to let us know so that the task can be removed form your Workday inbox.
Below are the steps you will need to take to complete your I-9:
Step 1 – Complete Section One in Workday
- Your name and address will auto-populate and you are required to verify your address. If blank, type in your local US home address.
- Select your citizenship status:
- International students should select the option “An alien authorized to work” and enter “D/S” or “N/A” as the expiration date or input your Program End Date found on your I-20/DS-2019.
- Permanent Residents should select “A lawful permanent resident”.
- Acceptable Documents to use are indicated on the USCIS website.
- International Students MUST use one of the following: original passport, paper I-20/DS-29, or I-94 (either a printout or the electronic record on your phone/laptop). You may retrieve your most recent I-94 from CPD’s website.
- Domestic Students: it’s easiest if you use your U.S. Passport or, if applicable, your Permanent Residence Card. If you do not have this, you must bring a document from “List B” AND a document from “List C”
- Select “I Agree” and indicate if you have used a preparer or translator.
- Once complete, hit “Submit”. Then refresh your Workday Inbox to see a new task to designate a Section Two Reviewer.
Step 2- Selecting a Section Two Reviewer
- You will need to designate a Section Two Reviewer to physically review the documents you submitted in Section One. You may choose a Family Member, Friend, Roommate, Cornell Employee, Co-worker (non-Cornell), an HR Representative, or Other.
- Important Note: The person you select MUST be 18 years or older. As mandated by USCIS, you ARE REQUIRED to meet with them in person AND present them with original documents you entered in Section One (passport, I-94, etc).
- If you are unable to meet with, or do not feel comfortable sharing your personal documents with someone you know,
- If you are a grader or course support for a CORNELL TECH course, please reach out to
- For any other CORNELL TECH based hires, including EMBA course support roles, please reach out to
- If you are an Ithaca-based student, you will need to schedule a meeting with an Ithaca-based staff member.
Step 3- Meeting with your Section Two Reviewer
- Ensure that the documents you indicated in Section One are the same documents you are presenting your reviewer to authenticate.
Step 4 – Final Authentication by Cornell
- Once both you and your reviewer have completed your sections, your I-9 gets rerouted back to HR/the Hiring Manager who will do a final review to ensure the information in Section One and Two align before officially approving your work eligibility in Workday.
Helpful Resources
· Employee – Complete Remote I-9
Applying for a Social Security Number (SSN)
If you are an international student, you must apply for an Social Security Number (SSN) if you do not have one already. This is a mandatory requirement for federal tax purposes by the U.S Government.
Until you are able to obtain a SSN, you will have an open task in your Workday inbox related to submitting your SSN in the system. Please disregard the reminder notifications until you have received your SSN.
If you need to apply for an SSN, please email your request to, so that Cornell Tech can generate a request letter for you. Cornell University is also unable to provide you with an eligibility letter until you have been employed for at least 10 days.
Student & Academic Affairs will process your letter request and it will take us 3-4 business days to process your request. When the letter is ready for pick up, you will receive an email notification to pick the letter up at the Bloomberg Center security desk by showing your Student ID Card.
Once you receive your request letter, you can use the letter to apply for an SSN. Per the instructions on the Office of Global Learning page, you will need to:
- Gather your Docs (Please note OGL lists to get a letter from OGL & a Hiring Dept. Letter – this is the Cornell Tech Request Letter we will issue to you!)
- Complete SSN Application Form online
- Go to the Social Security Office, if you are located at Cornell Tech, the local office is 3RD FLOOR, 123 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10038. (Review Card Center info for Hours & more services)
- Wait up to three weeks to receive your SS Card in the mail.
Direct Deposit, Timecard, Payslips and Taxes
Direct Deposit
Enrolling in direct deposit is managed through Workday. If you do not opt for direct deposit in Workday or fill out an ACH form, your pay will be issued by paper check and sent to your home mailing address on file. Your mailing address will need to be updated to your local address within Student Center and ensure a current address is listed as either your “University Assigned” or “Student Local” address.
Paydays & Payslips
You will be paid on a bi-weekly basis on the Thursday of the week after your timecard submission. See the “Nonexempt Biweekly Calendar” at Payroll Calendar (login required) for the exact dates. Use Workday to view your past payslips and view or change your tax withholdings.
The University has a step by step guide on how to enter your time on Workday. You must log your hours at the end of each and every day you work. Reminder emails of the bi-weekly deadlines will be sent out, but this is your responsibility to submit your hours to ensure you are paid.
For information on Tax preparation, Foreign National Questionnaire, Sprintax, and FAQs, refer to the resources below
Please contact if you have questions about taxes.
Timecard Submissions
Once the semester is in full swing and you have access to Workday, you will begin to submit your timecards. Ensure you record your time worked accurately and submit your timesheet in a timely manner. Make sure to submit your timecards on time as it is very difficult to retroactively add hours and this can also lead to delays in you receiving your pay.
The hours you were hired for does not mean you should be submitting the full hours each week if you’re not actually working the full hours. Only submit time you spent on within your role.
If you worked straight for 6 hours or more on any given day, please include a 30-minute meal/rest break on your timecard. Otherwise, your timecard will have an error message associated with it and it will be denied and sent back.
Additional Ithaca-based Resources