Fall 2024 Master’s Enrollment Guide

July Pre-Enrollment

August Regular Enrollment
The published Fall 2024 Class Roster lists our officially confirmed courses at Cornell Tech. As a Cornell Tech student, you will only be able to enroll in classes hosted by our campus programs at Cornell Tech. Ithaca classes are not available for enrollment unless otherwise noted below in the FAQ section as a special exception.
- When reviewing the class roster, you must filter by Location for “Cornell Tech” to review eligible Cornell Tech campus offerings.
- Please make sure to review the class roster notes of a course as it will indicate if you are eligible to enroll in the class based on your academic program (i.e. Limited to Cornell Tech PhD Students only, instructor permission needed, etc.).
- A small amount of courses will have special enrollment processing – please review the FAQ section as it will inform you on which classes and next steps!
- Class meeting patterns, times, grading basis, prerequisites, classroom locations, etc. are official and published.
Further updates such as new classes added to the roster will be announced and updated on this page as we approach the Fall semester.
New Classes Added:
- NBAY 6950 Business of Gaming (Class Number: 13210) (this class is open to both MBAs and Non-MBAs (you will need to follow the prereqs/signup process)
- Friday September 6: 1:00pm-5:00pm
- Saturday, September 7: 9:30-5:00pm
- NBA 5075 Big Red Ventures has been recently added to the class roster for Fall 2024.
- CS 5854/ORIE 5138 Networks & Markets has been recently added to the class roster for Fall 2024.
- TECHIE 5310 Business Fundamentals has been recently added to the class roster for Fall 2024.
- We will no longer review waitlists following the class add deadline. Please note the Electronic Student Add/Drop Enrollment Request Form (2024-2025) is available if you wish to request to be enrolled in a class(this will require instructor permission and seat availability) or need assistance dropping a class following the add deadline. This form is only to be used for Technical Classes (CS, ECE, INFO, ORIE). If you need assistance with a TECHIE, MBA, or LAW class, please email our team directly for guidance.
- Interested in an independent study? This form link below is only to be used for our Master’s students who are intending to work with Cornell Tech Technical Faculty (CS, INFO, ORIE, ECE). This form will also be used for Jacobs’ students who are pursuing a study as part of their Spec Project requirement. Cornell Tech Master’s Students who pursue projects with LAW or MBA faculty are directed to contact the Student & Academic Affairs Team for guidance as this is handled differently. Prior to filling out the form, please also consult with your independent study advisor and your program director regarding your project. Once you are ready to proceed, please fill out the electronic form here.

Important Dates to Remember: Studio Maker Days!
Studio Maker Days are scheduled on the following dates for Fall 2024:
- Maker Day 1: Sept 26th – Sept 27th
- Maker Day 2: Oct 17th – Oct 18th
- Maker Day 3: Nov 21st – Nov 22nd
- Open Studio: December 10th
- Final Presentations: Afternoon of Dec 13th
Curriculum & Academic Calendar Resources

Cornell Tech Academic Calendar
Click here to review the Cornell Tech Academic Calendar. Cornell Tech adheres to the Ithaca Academic Calendar for start/end dates of classes, holidays, etc. We will have an adjusted Reading Day Schedule for the Fall term that is mentioned in the link.

Cornell Tech Curriculum Guides
Please follow your program’s academic requirements on your program curriculum sheet here. If you are having difficulty enrolling in a mandatory/required class for your program, please email the Student & Academic Affairs Team.
Fall 2024 Add/Drop Deadlines - Click here to view!
Full-Semester Course Deadlines (course prefix: CS, INFO, ECE, ORIE, LAW)
Add/Change Credits Deadline: September 9th at 11:59pm
After this deadline, adds will only be considered in extreme circumstances and requires faculty permission via Add/Drop Form.
Drop Deadline: October 21st at 11:59pm
Dropping a semester long class after the deadline requires instructor permission via the add/drop form and will result in a W on your transcript
Last Day to Change Grading Basis: October 21st at 11:59pm
Special note: we will provide the link to the add/drop form once we are past the add deadline for courses.
Johnson MBA Course Deadlines
MBA courses (NBAY, NBA, NCCY, etc) have varied start/end dates, the last date to add/drop will be according to when their class meets in the first or second half of the term.
First Half of semester (7W1):
Add Course/Drop Course/Change Credits/Change Grading Basis Deadline: September 3rd at 11:59pm.
Permission from faculty required to add/drop after September 3rd. Deadline to drop without “W” is September 9th. After this date, “W” on your transcript.
Second Half of semester (7W2):
Add Course/Drop Course/Change Credits/Change Grading Basis Deadline: October 23rd, at 11:59pm.
Permission from faculty required to add/drop after October 23rd Deadline to drop without “W” is November 6th. After this date, “W” on your transcript.
Please note if you are requesting to drop a class after the drop deadline – you must seek instructor permission with the instructor first for approval to drop. Forward this email to us and we will have Johnson Registrar process accordingly.
TECHIE 5310 Business Fundamentals Deadline
Add Course/Change Credits Deadline: September 3rd at 11:59pm (ET).
Drop/Change Grading Basis Deadline: September 23rd at 11:59pm (ET).
TECHIE 5315 Emerging Tech
This class will have an application process for enrollment – you will not be able to self-enroll during any enrollment period. We will send more information out on how to apply to be enrolled for the class closer to Regular Enrollment.
Add Course Application Deadline: October 17th at 11:59pm (ET).
Drop Course Deadline: TBD
Weekend Classes
A few classes will be offered on select weekends (see roster link for more info):
NBAY 6170 Designing Data Products
LAW 6883 Corporate Finance Workshop
The add/drop without a W deadline for these classes are arranged typically before the day classes commence. If you need assistance with enrolling after September 9th (as this is generally when Student Center starts to revoke student add class priveleges), please email our team at studentaffairs@tech.cornell.edu
Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I enroll in classes? Are there guides to help me navigate the enrollment process?
Yes, students enroll in classes through Student Center. Instructions on how to add, drop, swap courses are available here!
The Office of the Registrar also has Class Enrollment FAQ page that provides additional helpful tidbits on navigating course enrollment.
Can I add classes to my shopping cart prior to the enrollment period?
Yes, classes can be added to your shopping cart prior to when the enrollment period begins. However, this does not save you a spot in the class or guarantee that you will be able to take the class. Once your enrollment period begins, make sure you complete all steps to finish enrolling.
Any classes you add to your shopping cart (Step 1 on Student Center) will remain there during your enrollment or add/drop period unless all three enrollment steps are completed. You are not enrolled or entitled to a spot in a class if it has only been added to your shopping cart. If you are ready to add the class to your schedule, make sure you finish enrolling (Step 3 on Student Center).
What course prefix should I enroll in for a crosslisted course? (This is most applicable to Master's Technical Courses)
Some classes are cross-listed across different major disciplines. If you are trying to enroll in a cross-listed Master’s class, please make sure you enroll in the section according to your major as this is where we reserved seats for your major (i.e. CS students should enroll in the CS section, ORIE should enroll in ORIE section, etc.).
Students who are in a discipline that is not listed in the crosslisting, you will be able to enroll in the main prefix of the class. See below for information this semester:
For degree fulfillment – our team will be mindful during our degree reviews for crosslisted classes to have them counted where appropriate regardless of what prefix you are enrolled in (for example if you need to complete a CS course but were enrolled in the INFO prefix- we will account for the course as a CS credit for you to graduate!).
- CS 5785/ORIE 5750/ECE 5414 Applied Machine Learning
- CS section: CS students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD) (ORIE & ECE enroll in their respective sections below)
- ORIE section: ORIE master’s students only
- ECE section: ECE master’s students only
2. CS 5436/INFO 5303 Privacy in the Digital Age
- CS section: CS students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD) (INFO enroll in their respective section below)
- INFO section: INFO master’s students only
3. INFO 6410/CS 5682 HCI & Design
- INFO students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD) (CS students enroll in their respective section below)
- CS section: CS master’s students Only
4. INFO 7060/LAW 7179 Digital Life Seminar
- INFO students and all other students from other disciplines (Including PhD) (Law students enroll in their respective section below).
- LAW section: Law students only
5. ORIE 5355/INFO 5370 Applied Data Science: Decision-Making Beyond Prediction
- ORIE section: ORIE students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD) (INFO students enroll in their respective section below)
- INFO section: INFO master’s students only
6. ORIE 5380/CS 5727 Optimization Methods
- ORIE section: ORIE students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD) (CS students enroll in their respective section below)
- CS section: CS master’s students only
7. ECE 5240/MAE 5810 Robot Perception
- ECE section: ECE students and all other students from other disciplines (including PhD).
- MAE section: MAE students (which is not applicable for our campus).
When will waitlists open? When are they reviewed?
All course waitlists will be reviewed during the Regular Enrollment period. During this time is when our office begins reviewing available seats to move students off the waitlist is a manual process so we appreciate your patience as we work through this system. Students will be notified IF and WHEN they are officially moved off the waitlist to enrolled in the course.
Please do not inquire with faculty or other Registrar offices regarding the status of your enrollment. We ask that you refer to this webpage and also email our team at studentaffairs@tech.cornell.edu for any follow up inquiries.
I received this error message: "Available seats are reserved. You do not meet the enrollment group criteria to enroll in this class at this time" What does this mean and what should I do next?
Classes will have a limited number of seats available for specific populations of students. Almost all of Cornell Tech courses will have these reserved seats set up to allow an equitable distribution of student majors to enroll in a course.
If you encounter this error message, this means all seats have been filled by other students in your degree level (Masters’ students). Even if the class shows as open/seats available, please be mindful the seats are for other student groups (i.e. PhD students!). You will need to sign up via the waitlist or the class or await to see if space allows if the waitlist is full. We cannot add you to the waitlist if spots are full.
Why does a class appear as open/have available seats but I can't enroll in it?
All courses at Cornell Tech will have reserve capacity groups arranged as mentioned in the question above. Once a class has reached maximum enrollment for a specific reserve group, it will no longer allow enrollment for students from that group into the class.
If seats are open for other student’s majors, you will still see the course’s status listed with a green circle as “open”. Please be mindful you will still not be able to enroll until a spot becomes available based on your major.
I am trying to enroll in a class but there is a time conflict error. What do I do?
Students are not able to enroll in classes that have overlapping time meeting patterns (this will occur even if it’s a 15 minute overlap or for the entire meeting pattern). You must decide which class to enroll in for consideration. Students cannot take two classes at the same time (i.e. if you are trying to take an online remote class and an in person Tech class). All classes are taught synchronously so please ensure that you plan accordingly.
How do I sign up for an independent study?
Independent Studies require an approval process with the Independent Study Advisor and the student’s Program Director.
This form link below is only to be used for our Master’s students who are intending to work with Cornell Tech Technical Faculty (CS, INFO, ORIE, ECE). This form will also be used for Jacobs’ students who are pursuing a study as part of their Spec Project requirement. Cornell Tech Master’s Students who pursue projects with LAW or MBA faculty are directed to contact the Student & Academic Affairs Team for guidance as this is handled differently.
Prior to filling out the form, please also consult with your independent study advisor and your program director regarding your project.
Once you are ready to proceed, please fill out the electronic form here.
Once you complete your form, it will route to your independent study advisor, then to your program director, and then lastly to the Student & Academic Affairs team for final review and approval. The Student & Academic Affairs team will enroll approved students into their independent study once the process is complete.
Students will receive an email notification throughout the approval process of where the form is along the workflow.
What PhD Classes are open to Master's Students?
Generally, very few PhD classes will consider Master’s student enrollment. Below are the agreed upon offerings that will require students to seek instructor permission. If approved, please forward your confirmation email to our team for enrollment processing (we will enroll you as long as there is space permitting and does not conflict with any of your required classes).
CS 6741 (Lec 030) | Topics in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning | Yoav Artzi |
ECE 6950 (LEC 030) | Special Topics: Deep Learning Efficiency | Mohammed Abdelfattah |
INFO 6510 (LEC 030) | Accessbility | Shiri Azenkot |
CS 6431 (LEC 030) | Security & Privacy Tech | Thomas Ristenpart |
What Ithaca-Based Classes are Available to Master's Students?
Only one Ithaca based course has been approved to be offered to Cornell Tech students. This course below is a 100% remote offering:
CEE 6800 Engineering Smart Cities
As this course is managed by the CEE department, if you need assistance with enrollment please contact Nicholas Wagner from the CEE department at nw346@cornell.edu.
For all other Ithaca based courses, please be mindful that they are not eligible for enrollment as they are not approved as applicable to Cornell Tech’s degree requirements. The Student & Academic Affairs Team will review enrollments on an ongoing basis – if we identify students enrolled in a non-approved course, they will be dropped.
What classes have special enrollment processing?
- INFO 5410 Urban Systems – taught by Michael Samuelian will require non-Urban Tech students to seek instructor permission to enroll during the Regular Enrollment period.
- INFO 5360 Healthcare Organization & Delivery – taught by Lisa Kern. This class is a 2 credit class. If you are a Health Tech student, we will auto enroll you in an additional +1 credit under TECH 5999 shortly.
Which classes require permission codes? How do I use them?
Permission codes allows students to self-enroll in a restricted class. Very few classes will issue permission codes to enroll – below are the only courses that will have permission codes issued.
- Required Studio Courses (we will issue permission codes prior to Pre-Enrollment):
- TECH 5900 Product Studio
- TECH 5901 Preparing for Spec
- INFO 5410 Urban Systems (non-Urban Tech students must seek instructor approval by emailing the faculty, and if approved the faculty will provide you the permission code to use during Regular Enrollment).
Please be mindful that permission codes are only generated for the above courses. They are not created for other Cornell Tech classes. The permission code is uniquely assigned to a student for the specific class – it will not work for other courses.
Once you have your permission code, you can enter the permission code in student center enrollment to self-enroll – permission codes can only be used during the actual enrollment period. It will not be valid outside the enrollment period!
To enroll in the class:
- Please proceed to your Student Center and search for your class (please be aware if the class is closed/full, the permission code will override this to enroll you!).
- Once added to our cart, you will see further class info under “Add Class” details
- Enter your Permission Number in the appropriate field under Class Preferences which looks like below:
4. Proceed to Step 2-3 to process enrollment!
When will Weill Courses be available for Health Tech Students?
Fall 2024 Weill Courses for Health Tech Students have been announced to HT students. All Weill enrollments are managed through our team – please do not email the Weill Registrar as we are in coordination with them on communications!
Jacobs Students- Enrolling in your INFO 5920 Specialization Project
Information regarding Spec Project can be found on this page!
As an MBA student, how can I enroll in more than 20 credits for my program this term?
Please note that you may only register for a maximum of 20 credits per semester. Anything over 20 credits will require approval from your Program Director. Should you wish to take more than 20 credits for Fall 2024, please email your Program Director (mvk34@cornell.edu) starting on August 1st with a priority to submit before Regular Enrollment Begins. When emailing, please include your course schedule and the course(s) and their credit load that you wish to take!
I am a non-MBA student interested in taking an MBA class, what courses am I eligible to take and how can I enroll?
MBA classes are prioritized enrollment for MBA students. as these are required courses for their degree completion. For Non-MBA students, this means you will not be able to directly enroll in MBA classes during any enrollment period (even if you have satisfied the pre-reqs below!). If you wish to enroll in an MBA class, you will be able to sign up for consideration via the course waitlist option. You will remain on the waitlist until August Regular Enrollment Period – during this time is when the Johnson Registrar Team starts to review if you have satisfied prereqs to enroll in the MBA class.
The prerequisite options for Non-MBA students are::
- Enroll in TECHIE 5310 Business Fundamentals for the Fall 2024 term (enrollment for this course will open in August during Regular enrollment only. The course will be posted onto the roster later this week for you to view the meeting patterns!
- Be waived out of TECHIE 5310 Business Fundamentals. We will be sending out this Business Fundamentals waiver application after the July Pre-Enrollment Period. Decisions will be rendered before Regular Enrollment.
A few days following Regular Enrollment opens, the Johnson Registrar will review waitlists and verify if you have completed one of two options above in order to officially enroll you in that MBA class.
We have listed below the MBA courses non-MBA students are eligible to take. To reiterate – you will not have direct access to enroll in classes but you will be able to add yourself to the waitlist during Pre-Enrollment for the course as long as there is a spot on the list available. If there is no space on the waitlist, you will have to wait for a spot to open during Regular Enrollment.
Course Number | Course Name | Instructor |
Enrollment Notes for Non-MBA students
NCCY 5080 | Operations Management (Section 1) | Yao Cui |
This class is only for MBA students.
NCCY 5080 | Operations Management (Section 2) | Yao Cui |
This class is only for MBA students.
NCCY 5010 | Data Analytics and Modeling | Omid R. |
This class is only for MBA students.
NCCY 5010 | Data Analytics and Modeling | Omid R. |
This class is only for MBA students.
NBAY 5180 | Design Thinking | Stefanie Kubanek |
This class is open to Non-MBA students. No Prerequisites required!
NBAY 5300 | Entrepreneurial Finance Section 1 | Tom Schryver |
This class is only for MBA students. Required Class – MBA Cannot Drop.
NBAY 5300 | Entrepreneurial Finance Section 2 | Tom Schryver |
This class is only for MBA students. Required Class – MBA Cannot Drop.
NBAY 5301 | Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance: Firm Valuation and Term Sheets | Tom Schryver |
This class is exclusively for Non-MBA students and JD Students at Tech. No pre-requisite is needed but highly encouraged to take TECHIE 5310.
NBAY 5695 | Strategic Communications (Section 1) | Barbara Mink |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 5695 | Strategic Communications (Section 2) | Barbara Mink |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 5795 | Advanced Strategic Analysis | Gautam Ahuja |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 6080 | Buidling Entrepreneurial Ventures | Mukti Khaire |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 6090 | Digital Marketing Section 001 | Tommaso Bondi |
This class is only for MBA students.
NBAY 6090 | Digital Marketing Section 002 | Tommaso Bondi |
This class is only for MBA students.
NBAY 6090 | Digital Marketing Section 003 | Tommaso Bondi |
This class is largely for Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 6170 | Designing Data Products | Lutz Finger |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 6525 | Security for Business Organizations | Elena Kvochko |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBAY 6620 | Becoming an Effective Product Manager | Laura Barnes |
This class is only for MBA students.
NBAY 6760 | Decision Models | Elena Belavina |
This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECHIE 5310 or be granted a waiver).
NBA 5075 (section 002) | Big Red Ventures | Tom Schryver | This class is only for MBA students. |
I am a non-LLM student interested in taking an LAW class, what courses am I eligible to take and how can I enroll?
There are no pre-requisities for the classes below. However, please be mindful these classes have extremely small seats for non-Law students (in many cases 4-10 seats are saved for Non-LLMs).
During Regular Enrollment, non-Law students will be eligible for the following Law Classes. Please note that all other Law Classes are not open to non-Law students (no exceptions – please do not ask faculty as they do not oversee the enrollment management process so this will create confusion!).
Course Code | Course Name | Faculty | Notes for Non-Law Students |
LAW 6512 | Intellectual Property | James Grimmelman | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
LAW 6105 | Deciphering DeFi: Legal, Governance and Economic Issues Facing Decentralized Finance Platforms | Taub, David;Scheibe, Alexandra | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
LAW 6304 | Delivering Legal Services through Technology – Legal Tech Insights & App-Building Skills | Scott Rechschaffen (Littler), Kevin Mulcahy (Neota Logic), Matt D’Amore (Cornell) | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
LAW 6897 | The Business of Law Firms in Today’s Tech | Ed Estrada | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
LAW 6205 | Cyber Enforcement, Regulation and Policy Analysis | J. Faccipointi | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
LAW 6146 |
AI LAW & Policy | Pasquale | Open to all non-Law Students during Regular Enrollment; limited seats available |
How do I check my Registration Status?
To check your registration status, log in to Student Essentials and view your “Registration Status” at the top of the page.
- If you are registered, your Registration Status will state “Registered” with a green checkmark.
- The absence of a green checkmark means there is a hold preventing your registration.
Please also review the Class Enrollment FAQ’s as this will provide answers how to use the Registration System (Student Center) along with other helpful tidbits!
How do I see if I have a Hold on my account?
There are several different types of holds – some are informational and must be completed for graduation, and some are immediate and prevent current semester registration. Your Holds are listed at the top right of the page when logged in to Student Essentials. Click on “more information” for complete details including steps to resolve a hold.
Can I be enrolled in less than 12 credits in a semester?
Cornell Tech campus policy indicates that students enrolled in full-time masters programs are required to maintain a minimum of 12 credits of enrollment each semester. Students are advised to enroll in an average of 15 credits each semester, unless your program requirements notes otherwise, to ensure progression towards degree completion. This policy does not apply to students enrolled in Cornell Tech’s part-time programs (CS and LLM).
Additional Course Information & Personal Calendar Resources
To view both current and archived historical course offerings/descriptions, you may review the course catalog on courses.cornell.edu
To download your semester’s class schedule to your personal calendar, please log in to the Scheduler page of the Class Roster to import your schedule! Instructions on how to use this feature are provided on the “Using Scheduler” tool.
Please be mindful once you download the calendar, it will not update automatically if any changes are made thereafter (you will need to re-download the calendar after updates are implemented).