Fall 2022 Master’s Course Info
Important Information:
- The official Fall 2022 Class Roster is now available. You will be able to review this listing of courses offered for Fall 2022 by filtering by Location for “Cornell Tech”. If any additional courses are available, we will announce this to students on an ongoing basis!
- Fall 2022 Regular Enrollment will be available starting August 15th at 9:00am (ET) through September 6th at 11:59pm.
- Additional seats are now reflected on courses for Regular Enrollment. Wait lists will also be available to self-add into in case you seats are full for your major group/overall class enrollment.
- Please make sure to read the class notes as this indicates if you are eligible to enroll in the class based on your academic program!
- Class meeting patterns, times, grading basis, prerequisites, etc. are published on the official Class Roster.
- Studio Maker Days are scheduled on the following dates:
- September 22nd – September 23rd
- October 27th – October 28th
- November 10th – November 11th
- December 1st – December 2nd
- December 6th – OPEN STUDIO
- General Course Enrollment information such as how to add/drop/swap, cross listing enrollment tips, wait list processing, etc are all indicated on our Course Enrollment Page. Please make sure to review this as well!
- The Fall Weill Classes for Health Tech Students course offerings application cycle has concluded. Confirmations on enrollment will be provided before by August 15th.
- For students who are deciding between these required courses (Machine Learning Engineering vs Applied Machine Learning // Practice & Applications of Machine Learning vs Data Science in the Wild), here is a review document to help provide more information as well as a Pre-Study doc
- Further updates will be announced and updated on this page as we approach the Fall semester.
Special Class Offering Information
- If a course is not on the roster, that means it is not being offered.
- INFO 5555 Health Tech is being cancelled for the Fall 2022 term – this will be taken off the class roster in the coming days and will not be available for Pre-Enrollment.
- TECH 5300 Fundamentals of Modern Software is not being offered Fall 2022 – this will be offered in Spring 2023.
- ORIE 5355/INFO 5370 Applied Data Science: Decision-Making Beyond Prediction (FORMERLY TITLED: Data, People & Systems): This course is the same as the offering last year under the Data, People & Systems Title. Students should retake the course if thye already previously took it (also retaken courses will not results in re-earning credits).
- Additionally there are no mandatory requirements for the course!
- Additionally there are no mandatory requirements for the course!
- TECH 5310 Business Fundamentals: Students will be able to enroll during Regular Enrollment. All sections and offerings are posted on the class roster.
Class Enrollment with Special Enrollment Process
INFO 5410 Urban Systems with Michael Samuelian: this class is open to Urban Tech CT students. All other NON-UT Cornell Tech students must seek instructor permission to enroll. The instructor will provide you a permission code if approved.
TECH 5900 Product Studio and TECH 5901 Preparing for Studio – Permission codes were sent out for students to self-enroll. Permission codes are only valid during the enrollment periods to use.
DESIGN 6151 Design & Making Across Disciplines: is open to Cornell Tech Students for enrollment. If you need assistance please email the AAP Department at aap-studentservices@cornell.edu
CEE 5735/6736 Mathematical Modeling of Natural and Engineered Systems and CEE 6800 Engineering Smart Cities is open to Cornell Tech Students for enrollment. If you need assistance please email the Laura Ricciuti at lr482@cornell.edu.
Jacobs Specialization Project (INFO 5920)
2nd year Jacobs Students are required to self-enroll in INFO 5920 for their Specialization Project for the Fall 2022 term. When enrolling, please make sure that you have the correct credit load typed in the enrollment page (the default is 3 so you will need to change it by typing in the number of credits to fulfill your graduation requirement). Please make sure to consult with Deborah Estrin before enrollment if you need clarification on your creditload amount.
Special Announcement regarding XR from Harald Haraldsson:
As we start preparing for the upcoming academic year, I wanted to highlight some of the XR (virtual and augmented reality) opportunities for incoming students at Cornell Tech. The XR Collaboratory (XRC) operates two courses and offers opportunities for students interested in XR. See more details below, and on our website.
INFO 5340 / CS 5650 – Virtual and Augmented Reality (fall):
- This course covers fundamental theory, including 3D math, human perception, graphics, and human-computer interaction in the context of VR/AR
- Students complete several programming assignments and will be tasked with creating their own XR application as a course project
CS 5678 – Topics in Mixed Reality (Spring):
- Research-oriented course with focus on the design, prototyping, and evaluation of 3D User Interfaces (3D UIs)
- Emphasis on the theory of interaction techniques for selection, manipulation, travel, and system control for 3D UIs and head-mounted displays
In addition to the courses above, student opportunities at XRC include specialization projects, independent research, as well as grader positions, and summer internships. Please note that these non-course activities at XRC are selective and require a successful completion of the above XR courses, or prior XR experience.
We look forward to seeing you in the fall – in the meantime feel free to reach out with any questions on the above, or on XR in general.
Harald Haraldsson <hh586@cornell.edu>
Director | XR Collaboratory
Instructor | INFO 5340 / CS 5650, CS 5678
MBA & LAW courses open to NON-MBA/LLM students
Below are the LAW and MBA offerings for the term this year. Please note some courses permit Non-LLM and Non-MBA students to take based on specific requirements. There are some courses ONLY offered to professional program students, please do not ask for a waiver/consideration for these MBA and LAW courses with faculty unless explicitly stated as they are NOT involved in the policy/decision process for eligibility. We appreciate your cooperation!
The enrollment process for MBA or LAW classes as a non MBA/LAW student is to add yourself into the waitlist for the course. Waitlists will be reviewed during Regular Enrollment in August as seats are first prioritized for Law and MBA students for these courses. You will be contacted via email if/when you are moved off the waitlist to enrolled in the course during Regular Enrollment. We appreciate your patience during this time as this is a manual process! If you are a NON-MBA student interested in taking an MBA class from the eligible offerings below – you can take TECH 5310 concurrently with an MBA class if you are not approved a waiver.
LAW Courses | |||
Course Number | Course Name | Instructor |
Enrollment Notes
LAW 6470 | High Growth Corporate Transactions | T. Bixler |
This class is for LLM and JD students only
LAW 6893 | Technology Transactions | Matt D’Amore |
This class is for LLM and JD students only
LAW 6512 | Intellectual Property | James Grimmelman |
This class is open to non-LLM students
LAW 6305 | Digital Health Law | Mark Lutes and David Weiss |
This class is open to non-LLM students
LAW 6304 | Delivering Legal Services through Technology – Legal Tech Insights & App-Building Skills | Scott Rechschaffen (Littler), Kevin Mulcahy (Neota Logic), |
This class is open to LLM and JD students only
LAW 6764 | Practical Corporate Lawyering | Mark Underberg |
This class is open to LLM and JD students only
LAW 6860 | Starting a Crypto FinTech | Daniel Forrester, Alexander Greenberg |
This class is open to non-LLM students
LAW 6205 | Cyber Enforcement, Regulation and Policy Analysis | J. Faccipointi |
This class is open to non-LLM students
LAW 6897 | The Business of Law Firms in Today’s Tech | Ed Estrada |
This class is open to non-LLM students
LAW 6883 | Corp Fin for Lawyers | LizAnn Eisen |
This class is open to LLM and JD students only
LAW 6335 | Emerging Growth Companies | Sacha Ross; Stephane Levy |
This class is open to LLM and JD students only
MBA Courses | |||
MBA Course Number | Course Name | Instructor | Enrollment Notes |
NCCY 5080 | Operations Management (Section 1) | Karan Girotra | This class is only for MBA students. |
NCCY 5080 | Operations Management (Section 2) | Karan Girotra | This class is only for MBA students. |
NBAY 5180 | Design Thinking | Stefanie Kubanek | This class is open to Non-MBA students. No Prerequisites required! |
NBAY 5300 | Entrepreneurial Finance Section 1 | Tom Schryver | This class is only for MBA students. Required Class – MBA Cannot Drop. |
NBAY 5300 | Entrepreneurial Finance Section 2 | Tom Schryver | This class is only for MBA students. Required Class – MBA Cannot Drop. |
NBAY 5301 | Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance: Firm Valuation and Term Sheets | AJ Edwards | This class is exclusively for Non-MBA students and JD Students at Tech. |
NBAY 5795 | Advanced Strategic Analysis | Gautam Ahuja | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6090 | Digital Marketing Section 001 | Tommaso Bondi | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6090 | Digital Marketing Section 002 | Tommaso Bondi | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6525 | Security for Business Organizations | Elena Kvochko | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6560 | Valuation | Joe Cherian | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6760 | Decision Models | D. Juran | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 5670 | Management Writing | Craig Snow | This class is open to Non-MBA students. No Prerequisites required! |
NBAY 5670 | Management Writing | Craig Snow | This class is open to Non-MBA students. No Prerequisites required! |
NBAY 6710 | Ethical Decision-Making in Management | Dana Radcliffe | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6210 | Tech Management | John Blevins | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6170 | Designing Data Products | Lutz Finger | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6950 | The Business of Gaming: Perspectives in Strategy, Tech & Marketing | Jeremy Kagan | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
NBAY 6620 | Becoming an Effective Product Manager | Laura Barnes | This class is only for MBA students. |
NBAY 6085 | Leadership Insights for Building Ventures | Randall Kane | This class is open to Non-MBA students (must also take TECH 5310 or be granted a waiver). |
PhD Classes Open to Master's Students
ORIE 6338 Heuristic Mixed-Integer Programming – instructor permission required.
All other PhD Classes not available for enrollment unless stated above!