The Specialization (Spec) project consists of 8 credits, spanning two semesters, and is mandatory for all students in the Jacobs Master’s programs. The Spec project is a chance for students to do a deeper dive into a topic of their choosing, while honing specialized skills, implementing novel prototypes, analyzing complex data sets, or pursuing user-centered design studies.

Please note, all students are required to enroll in TECHIE 5901: Intro to Spec (1 cr) during their first semester where they will work towards solidifying their Spec project objectives.

Project requirements can be completed in one of two tracks: (1) Taking an anchor Course and conducting a 1-semester self-directed project, or (2) Engaging in a 2-semester Faculty-Directed Independent Study. Students must commit to one of the tracks by mid-November of their first semester. Any changes must be made before the add/drop deadline for Spring.