Jacobs Student Specialization Project
The Specialization (Spec) project consists of 8 credits, spanning two semesters, and is mandatory for all students in the Jacobs Master’s programs. The Spec project is a chance for students to do a deeper dive into a topic of their choosing, while honing specialized skills, implementing novel prototypes, analyzing complex data sets, or pursuing user-centered design studies.
Please note, all students are required to enroll in TECHIE 5901: Intro to Spec (1 cr) during their first semester where they will work towards solidifying their Spec project objectives.
Project requirements can be completed in one of two tracks: (1) Taking an anchor Course and conducting a 1-semester self-directed project, or (2) Engaging in a 2-semester Faculty-Directed Independent Study. Students must commit to one of the tracks by mid-November of their first semester. Any changes must be made before the add/drop deadline for Spring.
Anchor Course + Self-Directed Project
Students select a 3 credit anchor course that is relevant to the topic or skills needed for their intended Spec project. The anchor course must be an approved elective in the student’s program (CM/HT/UT), and may not be used to satisfy the student’s Programmatic or Technical Core. Students should identify several candidate anchor courses in case their first choice is over enrolled, and students must have already satisfied any indicated prerequisites.
- Spring 2025 (4 cr)
- INFO 5920: Specialization Project (1 cr)
- Approved 3-credit anchor course
- Fall 2025 (4 cr)
- INFO 5920: Specialization Project (4 cr)
Process & Timeline
- During pre-enrollment (late October), students MUST:
- Enroll in INFO 5920 for 1 credit.
- Enroll in an approved 3 credit anchor course.
- Anchor Course track form must be submitted by mid-November.
- Attend class sessions for approved anchor course & INFO 5920.
- During Fall 2025 pre-enrollment (April/May), students MUST enroll in INFO 5920: Specialization Project for 4 credits to work on their self-directed project, supervised by the Spec instructors and TA(s).
- Attend class sessions for INFO 5920 and work on their self-directed project.
- Students may develop and submit their Spec project concept individually or with partners.
Faculty-Directed Independent Study
Students will apply to work on a faculty-specified and advised Independent Study project during the course of 2 semesters (Spring 2025 and Fall 2025). Students will be responsible for exploring and confirming their own faculty advisors. Each faculty will have different prerequisite skill requirements for participation. At the discretion of the faculty advisor, students may work individually or with partners.
- Spring 2025 (4 cr)
- INFO 7900: Independent Study (4 cr)
- Fall 2025 (4 cr)
- INFO 7900: Independent Study (4 cr)
Process & Timeline
- Students approach faculty in September and October to inquire about opportunities. Not all faculty will have openings, and most will have specific skill requirements to participate.
- If a mutually agreed upon advisor/project is found, students must complete the Independent Study Agreement form by November 12, 2024.
- After completing the Independent Study Agreement form, students will be enrolled in the correct INFO 7900 section by a member of the Student & Academic Affairs team.
- Work on their Independent Study project with their faculty advisor.
- For Fall Year two, students must complete the Independent Study Agreement form by April 19, 2025. The form will be routed to the faculty advisor signing off on their approval.
- After completing the Independent Study Agreement form, students will be enrolled in the correct INFO 7900 section by a member of the Student & Academic Affairs team.
- Work on their Independent Study project with their faculty advisor.
Students returning from a Leave of Absence
Students returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA) will need to fulfill their outstanding Spec project requirements by choosing one of the options below and submitting the necessary documents before Regular Enrollment.
- Student is responsible for securing a faculty advisor for an advised Independent Study project and submitting a Independent Study Agreement form . Student will be enrolled in the correct INFO 7900 section by a member of the Student & Academic Affairs team.
- Student will submit a self-directed project proposal and self-enroll in INFO 5920 for 4 credits.